Monday 10 February 2014

Articles: the definite and the indefinite

Articles: the definite and the indefinite

The definite article: “the”
→ specific
The indefinite articles: “a / an”
→ non- specific
This one / that one
anyone/ one of many
Singular countable nouns
The apple
The bird
   An apple
  A bird
Plural countable nouns
The apples
The birds
  ᴓ Apples → some apples   
  ᴓ Birds  →  some birds
Uncountable nouns
The water
The milk
   Water → some water
  ᴓ Milk  → some milk

               a/ an → indefinite articles:  
        “a” is used before singular countable nouns beginning with a consonant: a book/ a student.
        “an” is used before singular countable nouns beginning with a vowel: an apple/ an orange.
        “a” and “an” are used with nouns that have not been known before by both the speaker and the listener.
        The → definite article:  “the” is used with singular and plural countable nouns, and uncountable nouns. It is used with nouns which have been known before by both the speaker and the listener.
         No article:
        Uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns are without articles:  
dog →  dogs/  water
        Sports:   ᴓ football/ ᴓ tennis/ ᴓ basketball……. 
        Before names of meals:    lunch/  dinner……
        Before names of countries and cities:  Morocco/ ᴓ Rabat……
        Before names of languages:    Arabic/  English……
        Before names of academic subjects:   ᴓ math/ ᴓ  geography/   physics